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William Branham and the Pillar of Fire in Dallas, Texas

New light on famous photograph

By Roscoe Barnes III

Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer

Copyright (c) 2018


Here’s something I’ve been meaning to share for some time. It’s a piece about William Branham (1909-1965), who was a close friend of F.F. Bosworth (1877-1958), author of Christ the Healer.

Branham, who was always a controversial figure, was known for having reports of unusual miracles of healing in his ministry. On some occasions, people reported seeing a supernatural light, appearing sometimes as a halo, in his presence.

W.V. Grant Jr. reported in October 2015 that he was the photographer who shot a famous photograph of Branham that shows the “pillar of fire” – a “supernatural” light -- on his right shoulder. His report, however, seems to contradict the claim made by Branham’s organization, which states the photograph was shot by “a newspaper photographer.”

Readers of Pentecostal history will easily recognize the name, William Branham, who was famous as a prophet and healing evangelist in the 1940s and 1950s. Some believe he led the movement of divine healing during that time. He inspired many evangelists to launch divine healing ministries using tent meetings and city-wide revivals in churches and open fields.

Branham was a simple man who claimed a special gift of healing. Scores of people in the United States and abroad testified to being healed through his ministry. Gordon Lindsay, his manager, wrote about his ministry and publicized the reported miracles. Lindsay, who wrote, William Branham: A Man Sent From God, also wrote about the so-called supernatural light that was seen in various photographs of Branham. One such photograph was shot on March 8, 1964. Branham and his followers contend the light on his shoulder was a divine “pillar of fire.”

For photo and full story, click here.


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